Tips for new drivers from pros that will help keep you and your loved ones safe

It should come as no surprise that a significant portion of new drivers in the U.S. each year are teenagers—and that motor vehicle crashes are a major issue for them. According to the CDC, preventable car crashes required about 285,000 teens aged 13-19 to be treated in emergency rooms in 2019.

Unfortunately, driving can be a difficult task for beginners to learn on the go. In addition, many new drivers, regardless of their ages, struggle to figure out the essential rules for safety on the road.

Fortunately, we’ve got you covered! Read on for our seven best tips for new drivers, from steering techniques to items you should always have on hand.

1. Know the Traffic Laws in Your Area

At first glance, this tip for new drivers may seem obvious, especially if you’ve just passed your first-ever DMV driving test. After spending time preparing to tackle the written portion of your test, it might seem as if you know everything you should about the traffic laws where you live.

However, it’s critical to avoid letting this information escape your mind after you’ve got your license in your hands. The small intricacies of the area’s local and state driving laws—from the blood alcohol limits to turn signal rules—can keep you safe and help you avoid run-ins with the police.

Most importantly, if you venture outside of your local area for any reason, it’s crucial to ensure that you’re aware of any changes to the traffic rules where you’re headed. This includes everything from turning lanes to phone usage!

2. Slow Down

When it comes to car accidents, your car’s speed can mean the difference between a fender bender that leaves you unscathed and a fatal crash.

This is why it’s among the critical tips for new drivers to consider both (1) how many feet of space you’ve left between your hood and the bumper of the car in front of you, and (2) your current driving speed. This is also a key reason for understanding the amount of time it actually takes for your car to come to a complete stop, based on your current speed (hint: it’s longer than you think).

As we mentioned above, it’s critical to know the current speeding limits in your area, but more importantly, you should make sure to follow them at all times. Going even a few miles above the recommended speed limit can make it difficult or even impossible to stop fast when it matters.

3. Wear Your Seatbelt

This is one of the best tips for new drivers that everybody should follow. If you get used to wearing your seatbelt, you’re much more likely to come out of minor scrapes or major crashes unscathed. Around half of all passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2019 weren’t buckled.

Beyond basic safety, not wearing a seatbelt is a reason for an officer to pull you over and ticket you in most states, so it’s important to get into the habit of buckling up!

4. Make a Habit of Defensive Driving

This is a critical tip for any driving beginners, and it’s one you should have heard often from any good driving instructor should have pounded into your head.

Defensive driving is a habit you’ll need to focus on forming if you want to keep yourself and your car safely on the road for longer. In its most basic form, defensive driving is about keeping an eye on the road and drivers around you in an effort to protect your own safety. It also involves anticipating potential hazards before they become problems.

If you’re trying to get into this habit, the first thing you should do is try to do more frequent visual scans of the road in three directions: straight ahead of you, five to ten seconds forward, and to either side of your car. You should always anticipate driving mistakes from other drivers, and you should never assume that the drivers around you are alert, sober, and knowledgeable of local traffic laws.

5. Be Prepared for a Car Accident

No one wants or expects to get in an accident—but that doesn’t mean one won’t occur. Statistically speaking, most of us will experience a car accident at some point in our lives, though the severity will vary!

This is why it’s important to understand the steps to take in the case of a car accident. This knowledge can be a great way to stay less anxious when driving, and it will also serve you well should you ever experience a car crash.

Fortunately, the preparation for a car accident can be simple, though you should also grab a few specific tools to keep on hand.

Your license, car insurance paperwork, and documentation on your car’s registration should be in your glove box at all times. In addition, consider stashing a first-aid kit in your car as well.

Some drivers keep a disposable camera in their vehicle as well, as this can be a good backup if their cell phone is out of power when a crash happens. Last, don’t forget to have a notepad and pen handy to help you take notes on the circumstances of the accident.

6. Keep Both Hands on the Steering Wheel

It should come as no surprise that car accidents are more likely to happen when a driver is multitasking. From changing the radio station to answering a text, temptations are always close at hand—but it’s best to avoid them altogether.

Instead, follow one of the best steering tips for new drivers: keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times. This can help you react with more ease in case something goes wrong. The NHTSA recommends several types of steering techniques, depending on your driving needs, so be sure to brush up on them just in case.

7. Take Care of Your Car

If you’re new to cars in general, it may be time to learn how to take good care of your car. Regular maintenance—whether you do it yourself or invest in service—can help you avoid frustrating breakdowns and even accidents.

Simple DIY maintenance can include regular oil changes, tire pressure checks, and fluid level checks. To go above and beyond, make sure you’re capable of changing a tire in a pinch!

Follow These Key Tips for New Drivers to Stay Safe on the Road

While nothing can remove the learning curve of driving, following the simple tips for new drivers above can help you focus on the most important things to keep in mind. By prioritizing your safety and the safety of your passengers, you can make sure that every trip is fun and efficient, without the hassle of breakdowns or fender benders!

As you learn the ins and outs of driving, don’t forget to safeguard yourself with affordable car insurance! We offer easy ways to check your state minimum coverage and buy the policy you need, so be sure to get a quote on our site or contact us for more information.